Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Halo Autocorrect uza hodi hala’o los tuir outomatikamente iha dokumen ne’ebé ita halo
Lalaok atu hala’o Autocorrect
1.      Lala’ok primeiru click Icon Proofing errors were found. Click to Correct

2.      Mosu iha layar maka hanesan

3.      Klik Autocorrect.
4.      Depois klik Autocorrect Options, maka sei mosu hanesan tuir mai ne’e:

5.      Ba parte Replace ketik Start

6.      Ba parte With ketik: Starting
7.      liu tiha ida ne’e klik Add, atu hatama ba culuna Autocorrect
8.      ikus klik butaun OK
Konfigura Mikrotik

Lalaok Konfigura  :

1. Pc ka Laptop tenki konekta ona Internet (ex konekta rede wifi).
2. Share Internet husi Wifi ka Ethernet ba VirtualBox Network
3. Ita Konsidera VirtualBox hanesan ISP virtual
4. Virtualbox sei hetan IP husi Internet nebe share ona (ex
5. Install Mikrotik no Linux ka XP iha Virtualbox
6. Konfigura Network Adapter 2 ba Mikrotik
a. Adapter 1 : Host Only Adapter
b. Adapter 2: Internal Network
7. Fo naran no Ip Address ba Adapter 2 husi Mikrotik refere :
a. ether1 = internet , IP ether1 tuir Network Virtual box (ex
b. ether2 = local , IP ether2 KONFORME (ex
8. Ip Route add Gateway = hanesan IP Address husi Virtualbox rasik (ex
9. Konfigura Firewall NAT
10. Konfigura DNS bele fo DNS Google mak,8.8,4,4
11. Konfigura Network Adapter 1 hanesan Internal Network ba XP ka Linux
12. Fo Ip Kliente XP ka Linux tuir Ip Network Ether2 Mikrotik (ex
13. Fo DNS ba Kliente XP ka Linux (ex,8.8,4,4)
14. Koko ping husi Mikrotik ba Gateway no ping ba ka
15. Koko ping husi Klinte xp ka Linux ba Gateway no no IP Virtual box ka Gateway Internet


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